Girl Scout Cookie Recipes- gluten-free, top 8 allergen free
We have been wanting to create a full plate of Girl Scout Cookie recipes for you to make. While we know there are one or two gluten-free Girl Scout Cookie options, we think you need as many as possible. We have been recreating Girls Scout cookies to be gluten-free and top 8 allergen free for well over a decade. Growing up I was a Girls Scout Brownie and went door to door selling Girl Scout cookies. I spent many hours and days walking our neighborhood with a friend selling these cookies so I am very familiar with them. That also meant that we needed to recreate some of these tasty cookies.
Our now, middle kid, had severe food allergies from the time she was an infant. We set out to ensure she could eat everything the rest of the world could eat so she never felt left out or as though she was missing something. The first recipe we recreated for her was thin mint cookies. Today, we have 6 gluten-free, top 8 allergen free Girl Scout Cookie recipes so you can have your cookies and eat them too! There is no reason to miss out on all the foods everyone else eats.
Over the years we have created more of these gluten-free, top 8 free Girl Scout Cookies for our kids to enjoy. We added to our list this year so we have a solid amount of options. There is always a benefit to being free from, you just have to find it. Something that is vastly important to us is the fact that we get to use clean ingredients so the foods we eat are far better tasting and better for your body than traditional boxed foods. Another HUGE bonus is that you now get to eat Girl Scout Cookies ALL year long! You don’t have to wait for Girls Scout Cookie season to roll around. The rest of the world only gets Girls Scout Cookies in the winter. You, my friend, get to eat these all year round whenever you want and know they are safe for you. If that’s not newsworthy, I don’t know what is! Check out our list below to find the recipes for all of your new favorite cookies! If you make any of them, we would love to know what you think! Which will be your new favorite cookie?!
Gluten Free- Top 8 Free Thin Mints®

Gluten Free- Top 8 Free Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookies®

Gluten Free- Top 8 Free Samoas®/Caramel deLites®

Gluten Free- Top 8 Free Peanut Butter Sandwiches/Do-Si-Do’s® (nut free option)

Gluten Free- Top 8 Free Peanut Butter Patties®/Tagalongs® (nut free option)